Department of Urology Department of Internal Medicine Department of Urology Pyelonephritis Nephrotic syndrome Diabetic nephropathy Renal failure Prostatitis Enlargement of the prostate Prostatic carcinoma Urethritis Cystitis Bladder cancer Overactive bladder Neurogenic bladder Abdominal pressure‐induced incontinence Impending incontinence Urination disorder Nocturnal enuresis Chlamydia infection Genital herpes Moist warts Gonorrhea Syphilis Department of Internal Medicine Type 1 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetic complication(diabetic retinopathy・diabetic nephropathy・diabetic neuropathy) Hypertensive renal disease Diabetic nephropathy Essential hypertension Secondary hypertension Flexible Cystoscopy Upper endoscopy(gastrocamera) Transrectal biopsy echo Abdominal echo